Sunday, September 11, 2011

Skylines and Turnstiles

It's the big day. The tenth anniversary of 9/11. I've never given the date much thought beyond "'Merica!" because, hey, I'm incapable of thinking larger than that.

One of my favorite bands is My Chemical Romance. Call me an emo bitch all you want, you'd only be half right. And that's half wrong. I remember looking at their wikipedia page years ago, probably, and reading their origin story, and how they formed after Gerard Way wrote "Skylines and Turnstiles" in response to the 9/11 attacks. So, in honor of this tragic day in history I decided to listen to it once, because I never have before.

It was very typical of them at the time, grating emo punk rock, almost. I was listening to it on crappy laptop speakers, so I couldn't really pick out the lyrics, but I knew what it was about, and I listened all the way through. So, following that, when I had to take Bryce to work, I decided to pop in my iPod and just listen to all the MCR I had, from Three Cheers up to Danger Days. And SING came on, and I almost burst into tears at the wheel. I'm very, very bad at putting thoughts down into words, more so emotions, so forgive me if this isn't incredibly well put-together.

The lyrics to that song are far, far more pertinent to 2001 than they are today.

I'm not going to quote them right now, the song is right above this text, but they broke something in me thinking about the day, and I was crying for the first time in recent memory. You guys can listen for yourself and see if I'm right.

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